TODAY'S SAINT (Valentine)
(d. ca. 269 - 270)
Name Meaning: Valor
Also known as: Valentine Of Terni, Valentine of Rome
Valentine was a priest in Rome during the 3rd century, at a time when the Emperor Claudius II forbade the practice of Christianity and executed any who disobeyed him. But Valentine ignored the law, and he comforted persecuted martyrs and may even have married Christian couples. Arrested, he was brought before Claudius, who demanded Valentine renounce his faith and accipt the pagan gods of Rome. Valentine refused to comply. It is said that claudius had him imprisoned by a magistrate, whose daughter happened to be blind. Valentine cured her, converting the magistrate and his entire family to Christianity. Enraged, Claudius had Valentine beaten, stoned and beheaded. Legend tells us that he sent the girl a farewell note, signing it "from your Valentine."
Valentine Traditions
Another story explaining the tradition of exchanging cards and presents on Valentine's Day tells of the Roman Feast of Lupercalia. It was a pagan love festival that took place in the middle of February: bouys drew the names of girls in honor of the Fertility goddess Februata Juno, and couples were supposedly paired off for the year. The Church was anxious to discourage any pagan activities, so they wstablished February 14th as St. Valentine's Day. Yet another story evolved from the medieval belief that birds begin to9 jmate on February 14th, making it an ideal deay for lovers.
A Ture Patron of Love
Today, St. Valentine is honorede as a true patron of love, not because of an ancient belief or festival, but because he made the ultimate sacrifice---he gave his life for the love of his God and his people.
Dear Saint and glorious Martyr,
who are so popular with lovers,
be kind to those whom we love
and to us. Teach us to love
unselfishly and to find great joy
in giving. Enable all true lovers
to bring out the best in each other.
Let thefm love eachn other in God
and God in each other.
St. Valentine might bef surprised and more than a little disappointed if hef saw how we honor his feast today--
dime-store cards, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, bottles of expensive perfume and other extravagant gifts. Even though these are all fun to receive, the commercial emphasis placed on buy ing cards and presents obscures the realmeaning of the day.
Love can come in many form: a mother comfortinhg her sick child, one friend helping another, a man embracing his wife, a child playing with a new puppy. Why should we celebrate love only once a year? Shouldn't every day be St. Valentine's Day?
- Starting today, try to do something nice for someone every day. It can simply be a kind word.
- Never let a day go by without telling your spouse or your childen that you love them.
- Before you go to bed every night, thank God for all He has done for you, and ask Him to show you the true meaning of love.
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