Sunday, December 18, 2005


Bishop of Tours
St. Gatian came from Rome with St. Dionysius of Paris, about the middle of the 3rd century, and preached the Faith, principally at Tours in Gaul, where he fixed his episcopal See. In that portion of Gaul idolatry was strong, but the perseverance of the saint gained a number of convverts. He was often obliged to conceal himself from the fury of the heathen inhabitants of the place. He continued his labors amid many dangers for nearly fifty years, and died in peace.
God, You made St. Gatian an outstanding exemplar of Divine love
and the Faith that conquers the world, and added him to the role
of saintly Pastors. Grant by his intercession that we may persevere
in Faith and love and become sharers of his glory. Amen.
Feast: December 18


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