TODAY'S SAINT (Josaphat)
Bishop and Martyr
Josaphat Kuncewicz was born in Poland of noble parents in 1580 and went on to become the first great leader of the Ruthenian Catholics, or Uniates, the former schismatics who had returned to the Church through the treaty of Brestlitovsk in 1595. Entering the Order of St. Basil at twenty years of age, he thoroughly reformed it, giving it a more active character.
So well-known did his wisdom and Knowledge become that he was recommended to the Pope by his own people to rule over them as Archbishop of Polotsk in 1617. In this office, he cammpaigned intensively for the conversion of schismatics and for the reform of his own clergy, who were commonly ignorant and venal. Through his boundless charity and powerful preaching, he established the ascendency of the Uniate Church, but was soon marked for destruction by the Schismatics. He was slain by Orthodox fanatics in 1623, at Vitebsk.
God, stir up in Your Church the Spirt which strengthened
St. Josaphat to be able to lay down his life for his sheep. May
we be strengthened by the same Spirit sothat through Josap-
hat's intercession we may be ready to lay down our lives for
our brothers. Amen.
Feast: November 12
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