TODAY'S SAINT (James of the March)
James Gangala was born in 1391 in the March of Ancona, Italy, and was therefore surname "of the March." Though of humble origin he was able to attend the University of Perugia and won the laurels of Doctor of Laws. However, after a short stint at teaching, he renounced the world to become a Franciscan friar. He was ordained and for fifty years preached the Faith to thousands in season and out of season. Together with St. John of Capistrano heretical sects known as the Fraticelli, and helped reconcile the moderate Hussites to the Church at the Council of Basle.
Everywhere he went James stood as a luminous figure of sanctity and the Fanciscan apostolate. Such was the fervor and power of his preaching that he is said to have converted fifty thousand heretics and countles sinners, including thirty-six harlots through a single sermon on St. Mary Magdalene. He traveled all over Europe as the Ambassador of Popes and rulers, sleeping little and praying much.
His love for the poor led him to establish pawnshops where they might borrow money at low rates, a work which was made very popular by his protege, St. Bernardine of Feltre. Despite a vigorous life schedule, rigorous penances, and never-ending activity, St. James died at the age of eighty-five on November 28, 1476.
God, You made St. James an illustrious preeacher of the Gospel
to save souls and to bring back sinners from thfe mire of sin to
the pathway of virtue. Through his intercession may we be cle-
ansed from all sin and obtain eternal life. Amen.
Feast: November 28
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