Sunday, July 17, 2005

TODAY'S SAINT (Ennodius of Pavia)

Bishop of Pavia, Father of the Church
Magnus Felix Ennodius is believed to have been born at Arles, in southern Gaul, in 474. As a youth he went to Pavia, Italy, where he was trained in rhetoric and became engaged. Later he decided to join the priesthood, his fiancee at the same time becoming a nun; it does not appear that they were ever married.
In 496, his uncle Laurentius, Bishop of Milan, had him trransferred to that city. Ennodius was ordained a deacon and began teaching in the schools. He also became embroiled in ecclesiastical controversies when he served as secretary to his uncle, who weighed in on the side of Pope St. Symmachus (r. 4899--514) in 498.
About 514, Ennodius was made bishhop of Pavia. In 515 and 517 he was sent by Pope St. Hormisdas (r. 514-523) to Constantinople as part of his ultimately successful campaign to long-standing schism between the Eastern and western church.
Nothing further is known about Ennodius's episcopate, though the texts of several hymns he composed have come down to us. He died at Pavia on July 17, 521.
Feast: July 17 (Saint of Day)


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